Saturday, June 27, 2009

(searching for Katie c)MD one genuine man iso a Katie Couric personna - 51 (Upper East Side)

straight-up, close and personal
I am trying to reach out to Ms. K Couric -I just have a sense that she and I would blend, fabulously... more on the details if, indeed, 'she' responds.
Notably, I am not likely to run into her, casually, for any variety of reasons.
I believe that I am the type of person who would capture your/her heart -eventually... I am selective and have remained a bachelor my entire life.
There should be no fear nor consternation attached to the respondent/Couric as I have no hidden agenda, nor am I an angry person, irregular in any of the suspect ways.
I am: ready to offer love and devotion and a sense of ' balance' along with a vibrancy of thought, communicative and adore traveling, exploring and being very creative.
I have NOT let medicine control my personal life and pleasures and sense for exploration...
Actually, I think that my Professional life and the roads I have traversed would be especially intriguing and worthy of a lead Story on the Evening News!
So, reply to me and let's have some engaging exchanges, initially...through the internet, leading to telephoning, etc

thanks for reviewing this somewhat unorthodox approach...
Oh, BTW...If anyone reviewing this piece, should have direct ties with KC..please so couldn't do anything but be beneficial


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