Saturday, October 23, 2010

Do you loooove ~Whole Foods~ ?? - 29 (Downtown)

You're that Autumn hottie in your riding boots and braided sweater... Perusing the seafood counter thinking about spoiling yourself with farm raised mussels or amazingly pink tuna according to a childhood recipe that reminds you of New England or the shores of the Mediterranean..

I'm that debonair gentleman in my Varvatos boots and tailored vest musing over the sushi station... Deciding if I want unadulterated sashimi or a california roll with sweet cucumber.. Bringing back memories of traipsing along the neon lights in Tokyo...

We're there for the same thing.. To satisfy our hunger for the finer most delicious wholesome things in life..

Maybe you caught my eye once.. While waiting at the checkout with your "save the penguins" tote bag... Perhaps I heard your heels clicking while asking the chef if their prime rib is cooked medium rare...

Nevertheless I'm that Whole Foods type of guy.. at 5''10 and 165lbs, with rock star hair... with a great job working in creative and a killer smile and a spring in his step.. That enjoys dancing to body moving hip hop, dancehall and techno... a fine glass of Cabernet Sauvignon.. and the excitement of traveling three times a year to far away destinations... next up in Buenos Aires...

Maybe you're the Whole Foods type of girl who lives in a 4th floor walk-up in the East Village, that's overly educated with long legs and wild hair that works in PR Fashion or even a market manipulating hedge fund.. whom loves brunch with her girlfriends.. enjoys the guilty pleasure that is Jersey Shore... That's looking for a great reason to wear her 800 dollar shoes on a weeknight...

All in all.. You love Whole Foods and understands that eating together is an act of communion.... especially in New York City...

Get to know me.. Ill promise to get to know you.. Let's get together for an intoxicating cocktail at a dimly-lit lounge.. Then take my hand through the automatic doors of Whole Foods... let's pick some fine ingredients for a mouth watering meal... Frutti De Mar with linguine for starters and laugh a little too loud over red, red wine as the garlic is sizzles aromatically...

Let's make it happen... Put "whole foods" in the title... Send me a picture.. Tell me a secret.. Ask me a question....or just tell me about your day....

I look forward to it...

